Friday Fictioneers: Operation Grab-The-Steak

c2a9dawn_landauPHOTO PROMPT –© Dawn Q. Landau

Here is my post for Friday Fictioneers, where every week we write 100-word stories in response to a photo prompt. For more stories, click the frog.

Operation Grab-the-Steak

Slowly, carefully, Bob lifts his head over the rise, silently taking in the landscape, making a quick survey of the five combatants. The tall one with the red hair. That’s the weakest link.

Rising up on his haunches, Bob makes his move, sweeping around to redhead’s plate. And he’s done it! A generous slab of meat.

“How on earth does he do that?”

“Man he’s fast.”

The meat is (unfortunately) cooked, but still good. Content for now, Bob returns to home base, snuggling down on his doggy blanket while he prepares for his next offensive: Operation Get-Dessert.

12 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers: Operation Grab-The-Steak

  1. Fun story! Clever Bob. The redhead may be the weakest link, but I hope he targets someone else for dessert or they will be going very hungry this mealtime 🙂

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